Despite the removal of his balls, Havuç is still pretty humpy with Spider. He's even started trying to nail her in the right place, because before, he kept trying to fuck her head and tummy. So it was probably good timing on the neutering thing.
Haydi Coşkun, at least Nuri buys them a gazoz first...
Today, I think Spider used up half a life. She was chasing a wasp through the house, which demonstrates questionable judgment in any case, and she managed to jump up on the stovetop just as I was turning it on. Well done, dummy. The kitchen still reeks of burnt cat hair, but she's fine.
A few weeks ago, I put and ad for Havuç up on Craigslist. I've since decided I like Spider and Havuç is the problematic one. Here are the responses I've gotten so far:
The first is the sort of response one would expect. I answered his questions, but haven't heard back. I also asked for links to these communities, since I once heard people troll pet classifieds for animals to use in experiments...
Then they just got funny.
My answer:
Perhaps his IQ is 150 and it's just his evil plan to make me crazy.
So, do you want a cat? He isn't bright, but he will love you till the day he dies. Kind of like the ideal spouse :)
Another one. I'm wondering if people get how Craigslist is supposed to work?
Deli misin:D kiyamam ona
No matter. I love how Turks take a website and turn it to suit what they want from the Internet. This next fellow apparently wants to learn from Craigslist.
Neden ona whore dedin?
So I politely explained English terms like "attention whore" and "praise whore" and "worksheet whore." Having learned something, he decided the Craigslist Pets section might also be used for dating.
Haydi Coşkun, at least Nuri buys them a gazoz first...
Today, I think Spider used up half a life. She was chasing a wasp through the house, which demonstrates questionable judgment in any case, and she managed to jump up on the stovetop just as I was turning it on. Well done, dummy. The kitchen still reeks of burnt cat hair, but she's fine.
A few weeks ago, I put and ad for Havuç up on Craigslist. I've since decided I like Spider and Havuç is the problematic one. Here are the responses I've gotten so far:
The first is the sort of response one would expect. I answered his questions, but haven't heard back. I also asked for links to these communities, since I once heard people troll pet classifieds for animals to use in experiments...
I have access to some communities which find owners for pets and I would like to help.
If interested, could you provide more details about your cat?
Then they just got funny.
Did you preassume cats IQ would
be 150? You can adopt an Einstein and feed it home! I mean its a general fact;
known by everyone; cat’s IQ is rarely average.Otherwise ıt would be you
to be fed by the cat!!!!
lolMy answer:
Perhaps his IQ is 150 and it's just his evil plan to make me crazy.
So, do you want a cat? He isn't bright, but he will love you till the day he dies. Kind of like the ideal spouse :)
Another one. I'm wondering if people get how Craigslist is supposed to work?
Deli misin:D kiyamam ona
No matter. I love how Turks take a website and turn it to suit what they want from the Internet. This next fellow apparently wants to learn from Craigslist.
Neden ona whore dedin?
So I politely explained English terms like "attention whore" and "praise whore" and "worksheet whore." Having learned something, he decided the Craigslist Pets section might also be used for dating.
bunu gerçekten hiç duymamıştım, kusuruma bakma olur mu :) havuç kadar sahibi de çok tatlı bence..
So I asked him if he wants a cat.
Never a dull moment. I fucking love the Internet.
And Havuç loves the sink. |

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