This orange, with its undeveloped tiny orange twin poking out of its bottom, reminded me of this movie:
The thing in the basket (way more ill-tempered than the orange twin) is named Belial. Belial communicates telepathically with the the young fellow who, as a child, snuck Belial out of the trash heap after it/he had been forcibly surgically removed from his side. Then the guy somehow managed to hide Belial in a basket, feeding and caring for him/it, until he grew up and left home. Belial is full of rage and spends the whole movie on a vengeful and gory murder spree.
All he really needed was love. I feel like I should go check now if that orange peel is still in the trash. Maybe I should be on the lookout for a tiny basket.
You really have a remarkable sense of humor. I love it when you let everybody see how you think. Thanks for sharing.
I agree with it being a good band name! Where did you find this er interesting orange??
@Nomad, that's one of the nicest thing anyone has said to me for a long time.
@Cook, it was a lovely late-season mandarin orange I got from the fruit truck near my house. That truck has the nicest fruit around here...
Got to go with Nomad on this one. I do see the connection, but what a jump.
Write a book. A sort of James Joyce stream of consciousness with humour. I'll buy it for sure.
Thanks, Anonymous.
It's funny, I started thinking back on times in my life and people I've known where Belial came up with more regularity than one might expect. So it's not so out of the blue from my end.
I used to want to write a book. Lots of them. Then the Internet became an interesting place to be, and I realized I've never had an original idea in my head. Except for one, that I just searched once (which may be enough to get it out into the ether) and now I'm waiting for scientists somewhere to find proof. Even then, I won't get credit for it.
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